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ERDDAP > info > cubes_fact_photographs_southeast_dwh_noaanrda

Title Sum-
Institution Dataset ID
   set  data   graph     Photographs, Southeast, DWH NOAA NRDA    ?            M   background RSS Subscribe NOAA ORR cubes_fact_photographs_southeast_dwh_noaanrda

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String NOAA ORR
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String NOAA ORR
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String activity, activity_id, analysis, analysis_category, analysis_type, aordescription, area, cal, cal_date_id, case, case_activity, category, classification, collection, collection_form, collection_matrix, collectionworkplan, comments, component, component_id, county, county_parish, cubename, data, data_category, data_classification, data_source, dataset, date, dateformat, description, detail, diver, diver_dataset, document, dwh, entry, file, file_collection_id, form, geom, gsr, gsr_workplan_document_url, hours, identifier, image, image_id, key, keywords, keywords_detail, last_update_date_id, lat_clustered_end, lat_clustered_end_num, lat_clustered_start, lat_clustered_start_num, latitude, latitude_end, lead, lead_sampler, location_geom, location_source, lon_clustered_end, lon_clustered_end_num, lon_clustered_start, lon_clustered_start_num, longitude, longitude_end, losdms, losdms_workplan_id, matrix, midsize, minutes, name, noaa, nrda, null_numeric_property, numeric, original, orr, parish, path, photo, photo_path_midsize, photo_path_original, photo_path_thumbnail, photo_url_midsize, photo_url_original, photo_url_thumbnail, photographer, photographer_name, photographs, placeholder, placeholder_str, project, project_id, property, record, record_id, region, region_id, review, review_status, reviewed, reviewed_photo_type, sampler, segment, sharing, sharing_status, site, source, source_file_entry_id, source_type, southeast, statename, station, station_description, station_site, status, str, thumbnail, time, time_key, topic, topic_area, tripid, type, update, watershed, watershed_id, waterwaydescription, workgroup, workplan, workplantitle, workspace, workspace_id, workspace_name
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (source database)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String Case_Activity,Data_Category,DIVER_Dataset,Analysis_Category,Analysis_Type,Collection_Matrix,State,Study_Name,Area_Description,Review_Status,Reviewed_Photo_Type,Region,Workspace_Name,Location_Source
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Photographs - Southeast - DWH NOAA NRDA
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Photographs, Southeast, DWH NOAA NRDA
variable cal_date_id   int  
attribute cal_date_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute cal_date_id long_name String Cal Date Id
variable USCG_Area_of_Responsibility   String  
attribute USCG_Area_of_Responsibility field_definition String United States Coast Guard Area of Responsibility
attribute USCG_Area_of_Responsibility ioos_category String Unknown
attribute USCG_Area_of_Responsibility long_name String Aordescription
variable photographer_name   String  
attribute photographer_name ioos_category String Unknown
attribute photographer_name long_name String Photographer Name
variable Image_Id   String  
attribute Image_Id field_definition String Record identifier for a particular photograph.
attribute Image_Id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Image_Id long_name String Image Id
variable cubename   String  
attribute cubename ioos_category String Unknown
attribute cubename long_name String Cubename
variable Sharing_Status   String  
attribute Sharing_Status field_definition String Identifies extent of data distribution (e.g., Publicly
attribute Sharing_Status ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Sharing_Status long_name String Sharing Status
variable last_update_date_id   int  
attribute last_update_date_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute last_update_date_id long_name String Last Update Date Id
variable Source_Type   String  
attribute Source_Type field_definition String General owner/source of the data (e.g., NRDA, Response,
Responsible Party).
attribute Source_Type ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Source_Type long_name String Source Type
variable Case_Activity   String  
attribute Case_Activity field_definition String The name of the case incident or the activity used to
collect data.
attribute Case_Activity ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Case_Activity long_name String Case Activity
variable Data_Source   String  
attribute Data_Source field_definition String The originating owner of the dataset.
attribute Data_Source ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Data_Source long_name String Data Source
variable Data_Classification   String  
attribute Data_Classification field_definition String The purpose for which data was collected within the
case incident or activity.
attribute Data_Classification ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Data_Classification long_name String Data Classification
variable Data_Category   String  
attribute Data_Category field_definition String General category of data collection (e.g., Samples,
Bioassay, Field Observations, Instruments, Photographs, Telemetry, or SCAT).
attribute Data_Category ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Data_Category long_name String Data Category
variable DIVER_Dataset   String  
attribute DIVER_Dataset field_definition String DIVER’s internal database table name
attribute DIVER_Dataset ioos_category String Unknown
attribute DIVER_Dataset long_name String Diver Dataset
variable Analysis_Category   String  
attribute Analysis_Category field_definition String General category of analysis performed (e.g., Plankton
- Nekton, Visual Observation, Contaminant Chemistry). For additional detail, see
Analysis Type and/or Analysis.
attribute Analysis_Category ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Analysis_Category long_name String Analysis Category
variable Analysis_Type   String  
attribute Analysis_Type field_definition String Subcategory (i.e., type) of analysis performed, such as
Biomass, Hematology, Genetics, etc. For additional detail, see Analysis.
attribute Analysis_Type ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Analysis_Type long_name String Analysis Type
variable Collection_Matrix   String  
attribute Collection_Matrix field_definition String The type of sample or record collected (e.g., Sediment,
Water, Photograph, Wipe).
attribute Collection_Matrix ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Collection_Matrix long_name String Collection Matrix
variable Collection_Form   String  
attribute Collection_Form field_definition String The type of the data submission form used by the field
team to submit raw field data.
attribute Collection_Form ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Collection_Form long_name String Collection Form
variable File_Collection_ID   String  
attribute File_Collection_ID field_definition String Record identifier for the corresponding DIVER file
attribute File_Collection_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute File_Collection_ID long_name String File Collection Id
variable LOSDMS_Workplan_ID   String  
attribute LOSDMS_Workplan_ID field_definition String DWH-specific. The numerical identifier assigned to a
particular workplan in the Louisiana Oil Spill Data Management System, which
tracks versions and statuses of workplans.
attribute LOSDMS_Workplan_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute LOSDMS_Workplan_ID long_name String Losdms Workplan Id
variable Workgroup   String  
attribute Workgroup field_definition String The Technical Working Group under which the field data
were collected.
attribute Workgroup ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Workgroup long_name String Workgroup
variable Record_ID   String  
attribute Record_ID field_definition String Identifier for each observation data sheet entered into
the DIVER database.
attribute Record_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Record_ID long_name String Record Id
variable State   String  
attribute State field_definition String The state where the field event took place.
attribute State ioos_category String Unknown
attribute State long_name String Statename
variable County   String  
attribute County field_definition String The County or Parish where the field collection was
attribute County ioos_category String Location
attribute County long_name String County Parish
variable Start_Latitude   double  
attribute Start_Latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute Start_Latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute Start_Latitude field_definition String Sample Latitude in decimal degrees, or start Latitude
for samples collected by trawl, transect or in a line.
attribute Start_Latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute Start_Latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute Start_Latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute Start_Latitude units String degrees_north
variable Start_Longitude   double  
attribute Start_Longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute Start_Longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute Start_Longitude field_definition String Sample Longitude in decimal degrees, or start longitude
for samples collected by trawl, transect or in a line.
attribute Start_Longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute Start_Longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute Start_Longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute Start_Longitude units String degrees_east
variable dateformat   double  
attribute dateformat ioos_category String Time
attribute dateformat long_name String Dateformat
attribute dateformat source_name String dateformat
attribute dateformat standard_name String time
attribute dateformat time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute dateformat units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable Hours   int  
attribute Hours field_definition String The hour of day of the field collection in 24-hour
attribute Hours ioos_category String Time
attribute Hours long_name String Hours
variable minutes   int  
attribute minutes ioos_category String Time
attribute minutes long_name String Minutes
variable Trip_ID   String  
attribute Trip_ID field_definition String Identifier for tracking field collection events and the
way data files were provided to the Data Management Team (one Trip ID per file
collection or zip file).
attribute Trip_ID ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Trip_ID long_name String Tripid
variable Study_Name   String  
attribute Study_Name field_definition String The name of the study under which the field data were
attribute Study_Name ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Study_Name long_name String Collectionworkplan
variable Location_Geom   String  
attribute Location_Geom field_definition String Internal - field containing properties for start and
end latitude and longitude
attribute Location_Geom ioos_category String Location
attribute Location_Geom long_name String Location Geom
variable GulfSpillRestoration_Site_Workplan_Title   String  
attribute GulfSpillRestoration_Site_Workplan_Title field_definition String DWH-specific. The title of the Workplan on the Damage
Assessment Restoration and Remediation Program's website:
attribute GulfSpillRestoration_Site_Workplan_Title ioos_category String Unknown
attribute GulfSpillRestoration_Site_Workplan_Title long_name String Workplantitle
variable null_numeric_property   double  
attribute null_numeric_property ioos_category String Unknown
attribute null_numeric_property long_name String Null Numeric Property
variable Survey_Notes   String  
attribute Survey_Notes field_definition String Notes captured on the Field Sample Form by the field
sampler regarding the overall survey.
attribute Survey_Notes ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Survey_Notes long_name String Placeholder Str
variable Latitude_Clustered_Start   String  
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start field_definition String Internal - start latitude to two decimal places.
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start ioos_category String Location
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start long_name String Latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start standard_name String latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start units String degrees_north
variable Longitude_Clustered_Start   String  
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start field_definition String Internal - start longitude to two decimal places.
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start ioos_category String Location
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start long_name String Longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start standard_name String longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start units String degrees_east
variable Photo_URL__Original   String  
attribute Photo_URL__Original field_definition String Original image
attribute Photo_URL__Original ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Photo_URL__Original long_name String Photo Url Original
variable Photo_URL__Thumbnail   String  
attribute Photo_URL__Thumbnail field_definition String Thumbnail sized image
attribute Photo_URL__Thumbnail ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Photo_URL__Thumbnail long_name String Photo Url Thumbnail
variable Photo_URL__Midsize   String  
attribute Photo_URL__Midsize field_definition String Mid-sized image
attribute Photo_URL__Midsize ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Photo_URL__Midsize long_name String Photo Url Midsize
variable Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num   double  
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num ioos_category String Location
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num long_name String Latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num standard_name String latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_Start_Num units String degrees_north
variable Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num   double  
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num ioos_category String Location
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num long_name String Longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num standard_name String longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_Start_Num units String degrees_east
variable time_key   int  
attribute time_key ioos_category String Time
attribute time_key long_name String Time Key
variable Latitude_Clustered_End_Num   double  
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End_Num colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End_Num colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End_Num ioos_category String Location
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End_Num long_name String Latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End_Num standard_name String latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End_Num units String degrees_north
variable Longitude_Clustered_End_Num   double  
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End_Num colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End_Num colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End_Num ioos_category String Location
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End_Num long_name String Longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End_Num standard_name String longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End_Num units String degrees_east
variable Workplan_Topic_Area   String  
attribute Workplan_Topic_Area field_definition String The main resources of focus of a Collection Workplan.
attribute Workplan_Topic_Area ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Workplan_Topic_Area long_name String Topic Area
variable Area_Description   String  
attribute Area_Description field_definition String General description or name of the area sampled (e.g.,
a particular reef or marsh).
attribute Area_Description ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Area_Description long_name String Waterwaydescription
variable photo_path_midsize   String  
attribute photo_path_midsize ioos_category String Unknown
attribute photo_path_midsize long_name String Photo Path Midsize
variable photo_path_original   String  
attribute photo_path_original ioos_category String Unknown
attribute photo_path_original long_name String Photo Path Original
variable photo_path_thumbnail   String  
attribute photo_path_thumbnail ioos_category String Unknown
attribute photo_path_thumbnail long_name String Photo Path Thumbnail
variable Review_Status   String  
attribute Review_Status field_definition String Extent of data quality review performed.
attribute Review_Status ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Review_Status long_name String Review Status
variable Reviewed_Photo_Type   String  
attribute Reviewed_Photo_Type ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Reviewed_Photo_Type long_name String Reviewed Photo Type
variable gsr_workplan_document_url   String  
attribute gsr_workplan_document_url ioos_category String Unknown
attribute gsr_workplan_document_url long_name String Gsr Workplan Document Url
variable Region_ID   int  
attribute Region_ID field_definition String Region ID
attribute Region_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Region_ID long_name String Region Id
variable Activity_ID   int  
attribute Activity_ID field_definition String Auto-generated unique activity identification number.
attribute Activity_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Activity_ID long_name String Activity Id
variable Workspace_ID   int  
attribute Workspace_ID field_definition String Workspace ID
attribute Workspace_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Workspace_ID long_name String Workspace Id
variable Region   String  
attribute Region field_definition String Region
attribute Region ioos_category String Location
attribute Region long_name String Region
variable DIVER_Segment   String  
attribute DIVER_Segment ioos_category String Unknown
attribute DIVER_Segment long_name String Segment
variable Workspace_Name   String  
attribute Workspace_Name field_definition String Name of the Portal Workspace where data were entered.
attribute Workspace_Name ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Workspace_Name long_name String Workspace Name
variable Station   String  
attribute Station field_definition String Station or site identifier. This is often defined by
the workplan and/or recorded by the field team, but may be standardized to
database requirements.
attribute Station ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Station long_name String Station Site
variable Station_Group_List   String  
attribute Station_Group_List field_definition String Predefined sets of grouped stations/locations
attribute Station_Group_List ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Station_Group_List long_name String Watershed
variable Station_Group_ID_List   String  
attribute Station_Group_ID_List field_definition String Internal - Concatenated list of Station Group ID codes
attribute Station_Group_ID_List ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Station_Group_ID_List long_name String Watershed Id
variable Lead_Sampler   String  
attribute Lead_Sampler field_definition String Primary contact (name) for individual field questions.
attribute Lead_Sampler ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Lead_Sampler long_name String Lead Sampler
variable Station_Description   String  
attribute Station_Description field_definition String Description of a station or grouping (by reach, section
of river, embayment).
attribute Station_Description ioos_category String Unknown
attribute Station_Description long_name String Station Description
variable Latitude_Clustered_End   String  
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End field_definition String Internal - end latitude to two decimal places.
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End ioos_category String Location
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End long_name String Latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End standard_name String latitude
attribute Latitude_Clustered_End units String degrees_north
variable Longitude_Clustered_End   String  
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End field_definition String Internal - end longitude to two decimal places.
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End ioos_category String Location
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End long_name String Longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End standard_name String longitude
attribute Longitude_Clustered_End units String degrees_east
variable End_Latitude   String  
attribute End_Latitude field_definition String End Latitude in decimal degrees for trawls, transects
or samples collected in a line.
attribute End_Latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute End_Latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute End_Latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute End_Latitude units String degrees_north
variable End_Longitude   String  
attribute End_Longitude field_definition String End Longitude in decimal degrees for trawls, transects
or samples collected in a line.
attribute End_Longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute End_Longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute End_Longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute End_Longitude units String degrees_east
variable Source_File_Entry_ID   int  
attribute Source_File_Entry_ID field_definition String DWH Tox DB field - Source File Entry ID
attribute Source_File_Entry_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Source_File_Entry_ID long_name String Source File Entry Id
variable Project_ID   int  
attribute Project_ID field_definition String Auto-generated unique project identification number.
attribute Project_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Project_ID long_name String Project Id
variable Component_ID   int  
attribute Component_ID field_definition String Auto-generated unique component identification number.
attribute Component_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Component_ID long_name String Component Id
variable Location_Source   String  
attribute Location_Source ioos_category String Location
attribute Location_Source long_name String Location Source

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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